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Millennial Careers: 2020 Vision

By 2020 Millennials will make up over a third of the global workforce. That’s one reason so many reports about them exist. Some say they are disloyal, self-absorbed and lazy, while others claim they’re a generation of digital entrepreneurs and innovators. This is not just another Millennial report. This report presents new findings with fresh insights from the perspective of both employers and employees. As world of work experts, we have nearly 30,000 employees advising 400,000 clients on hiring decisions and talent development every year. We find work for 3.4 million people— about half of whom are Millennials. We carried out quantitative research across 25 countries surveying 19,000 Millennials, including 8,000 Manpower associate employees and more than 1,500 of our own hiring managers. You can download the research below:

Look at infographic Millenials: Career for Me

Предыдущая статья:Human Age 2.0. Future forces at workРаздел: ИсследованияСледующая статья:Talent Shortage survey 2015